英英で英単語あてクイズ 挑戦編 No.26


Anne of Green Gables(赤毛のアン)

今回の英文は 『Anne of Green Gables』(赤毛のアン)から3回目。
第10章 ”Anne's Apology ” より。 リンド婦人を怒らせてしまったことで(第9章参照)、婦人宅に謝りにいくことになり、 「おなじ謝るなら思いっきり。」と考えたアンの、大仰な謝罪シーンです。 かなり長いけれど、ほとんど一息なので全部いきます。^^;

"Oh, Mrs. Lynde, I am so extremely sorry," she said with a quiver in her voice. "I could never express all my sorrow, no, not if I used up a whole dictionary. You must just imagine it. I behaved terribly to you―and I've disgraced the dear friends, Matthew and Marilla, who have let me stay at Green Gables although I'm not a boy. I'm a dreadfully wicked and ungrateful girl, and I deserve to be punished and cast out by respectable people forever. It was very wicked of me to fly into a temper because you told me the truth. It WAS the truth; every word you said was true. My hair is red and I'm freckled and skinny and ugly. What I said to you was true, too, but I shouldn't have said it. Oh, Mrs. Lynde, please, please, forgive me. If you refuse it will be a lifelong sorrow on a poor little orphan girl, would you, even if she had a dreadful temper? Oh, I am sure you wouldn't. Please say you forgive me, Mrs. Lynde."

[Cobuild 英英辞典]より (*定義文内の英単語部分を空白にしています。)



英語で読む 赤毛のアン

英語で赤毛のアンの原書を読む、朗読を聴く [おすすめ英語散歩道]

Anne of Green Gables (Aladdin Classics) Anne of Green Gables (Aladdin Classics)
L. M. Montgomery

《『英語ペラペラキッズ(だけにじゃもったいない)ブックス』 より》

英英Q挑戦編 No.3 『Anne of Green Gables』 より
英英Q挑戦編 No. 11 『Anne of Green Gables』 より Part 2
英英Q挑戦編 No. 47 『Anne of Green Gables』 より Part 4
英英Q挑戦編 No. 61 『Anne of Green Gables』 より Part 5

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