絵で覚える英単語 evict

イラスト英単語 evict

evict { e・vict }
(イビクト) [ ɪvíkt ]

《英英辞典による語句の意味の説明》 [Oxford 英英辞典]
to force somebody to leave a house or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so

動詞 (法的手段によって)〜を立ち退かせる、強制退去させる(from ... 〜から)

evict は、誰かを”立ち退かせる,追い出す”意味の英単語。

《 Longman の例文(英文) 》
They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.

Police evicted the squatters from the building.

名詞形は eviction 【追い立て,立ち退き】
eviction notice … 立ち退き通知,立ち退き勧告 (notice of eviction)
eviction order … 立ち退き命令

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